Wednesday, February 8, 2012


God is love and I was made by God so I was made by love! What's not to love about this? :)

I love my determination to live my happiest, most fulfilling life that I possibly can! There is no challenge to great, no amount of negativity that can stand in my way, and nothing that I cannot find the beauty in. I love life, and I  get back what I give:)

I love my faith. I love my soul. I love my creativity and my heart. I live to love and I certainly love to live! xoxo

I love who I am because I am the only person I can be! I love the fact that I am always changing, always growing and yet always constant, always grateful and always loving.

Self Love means balance and letting go, also respecting my own boundries.

I love my personality. I'm a very friendly person who is outgoing and willing to help others. I also like the fact that people look to me for advice because they know that I will give it to them honestly

I love myself for looking up at the stars and still believing in the beauty in the world even when times are tough

I love who I am when I give my full attention to my little ones.

I love me because I can always find strength when the going gets tough.

I am crazy about myself. I think I am fascinating, adorable, & tons of fun! To show myself that, I only spend time with quality people doing things I genuinely enjoy, eat often and yummily but definitely healthily. I've even started a blog to help others discover the wealth of peace, passion, & love inside of themselves.

I love who I am because I'm sharing my life with my soulmate.

If there is anything better than to be loved, it is loving. I learned to love me years ago and in return learned to love others more fully. The Beatles got it right when they sang, "All you need is LOVE!" I love the way I love!

I am, just as I am. NO changes are needed, I'm wonderful just as I am. This is not something that I grew up ever feeling. Acceptance is key to my beautiful life.

I love the way I a because I have been living with me for a long time now, so I know me well, like some aspects of me and dislike some others but like any love you have, you love them "as they are"

I love that I'm compassionate and empathetic

I love that I understand that peace begins within, that random acts of kindness take the cake, that if I surrender to the wind ~ I can ride it. Mindfully embody compassion, generosity, serenity and truth in all matters. Each day I gently ask, "How can I be more loving? How can I be more kind?" I AM LOVE.

I love myself by allowing myself to just be who I am, without criticizing myself. And I make small things special for myself.

I love that I  never settle for less than I deserve

One way I Have found to love myself is to have worked out a way to wake up on my own (most of the time), without an alarm clock shocking me awake.
This has been a very important way to nurture myself and accept my own personal rhythms. How ever early it is. 4 seems to be my time..

I love that I am always eager to learn new things. I show myself love by letting go of my perfectionism.

i love who i am because i am true to myself and accept myself for all the good and bad parts...and i honor that love through treating myself well...through art journaling, exercising, laughing a lot and living passionately!

Another way that I love myself is by allowing all aspects of myself to express themselves: intellectually (at work), physically (by regular training) and creatively (by taking the time to craft for myself and others). Respecting a balance is showing love for me!

I love myself by taking the time to use my muscles and keep my body strong. I give myself the opportunity to go inside myself to think and moments to focus and be aware of what my body is capable of.

I love me, cause i am stuck with me for life.. jk.. I love me because no matter what choices i make, i know that i have always made the best ones for myself, and no matter how poor  i am, i will always have my integrity

I love me for allowing myself the mental and spiritual freedom to be a creative person.

I love me because, I have patience, self motivation, and a positive attitude that carries me through each day.

I honor myself by listening to my dreams and acting accordingly.

I love that I am always learning and exploring, each day brings something new to my life, some new knowledge, discovery or awareness.

One way I love who I am is by acknowledging that no matter how busy my day is, I need just a little bit of time in each one, just for me.

What I love about me.. my ability to listen in between the lines and get to the heart of the matter with my family and my friends.

I love that I surround myself with beautiful things and beautiful people.

I love myself by taking care of myself when things get rough and reminding myself that my life is a gift. I try my best to appreciate my life and all of the special people in it and always keep a positive attitude.

I love who I am for giving my heart to another; but not losing myself in the process.

i love myself because whoever God puts in my life i choose to accept for who they are and love them as HIS word says.

I love me for my love of others. Love, empathy, gratitude & inner self-belief is how I love to inspire and connect with others. xxx

I love me because I am unique! We are all unique and have special gifts to offer the world.

I love myself, by giving it away.

I love myself because I am uniquely me. I try to find love and passion in everything i do and see. I am a mother and a friend, and I hope to share that love everyday with everyone around me. I Love myself because I can honestly say I have found my true love.  " I am pure of heart." Our love is just that. I love myself for wanting to be the best person I can for my family today and everyday.

I just love sharing all my thrifty finds with my friends. I have a giving heart. I must get that from my mom.

I AM LOVE.......

I love my mistakes. They are lesson of love that help me to create a better life for myself and those around me.

I love who I am by dancing in the mirror when I get out of the shower.

I love who I am: I turned down a full time job to work cleaning homes, so that I can spend the extra time with family. So that every night I can cook an awesome meal and lots of play time. Each person in my family get at least an hour of mama Koko time a day.

I love who I am because I am a good cook and because I can almost always come up with a solution to a problem. I show myself love by taking time for myself.

Walk in beauty and love,

Happy hippie

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