Monday, February 27, 2012

HE loves me YAH! YAH !!YAH !!!

The past few days have been so wonderful ... I just can not keep up. Since Friday Ry has been on a whole new level.... I can see his LOVE all over his face. We wake up happy to be able to roll over and see the one that we are going to spend the rest of our lives loving, and respecting. This is how love should be. Not a day goes by without him showering me with I love yous, You are beautiful and ..... It is funny because each time he says it my knees get week and I get butterflies in my belly...
He means the world to me and I know I am his little world too. Together nothing can stop our love, our passion, our dreams and our beliefs.. We are on the same page in every aspect of our lives and because of this we will last forever !! Our love just keep getting more and more vivid ...... This is heaven !!!

 I love surprises !!!

 I came home to this... He said to me .... go upstairs and take a shower just relax....

 I come down to may baby cooking and grilling I am beyond spoiled .... 
 A card just because he loves me .... No other reason and that trumps it all..
Notes found daily .... Umph I am so blessed to have the man that God created for me !!!

One love,
Happy Hippie 

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