Sunday, May 1, 2011

enjoying the freedom of hassle free hair—humidity and flat irons,weaves,wigs perms be damned

BLack people.White people people people. Some of us are (sadly) so brainwashed. It is ridiculous. It’s a brainwashing from generations, even centuries back. The only reason why any of us think that our natural hair is ugly or crazy is because we have long believed what someone else has told you about ourselves  It’s 2011people. Wake up! It’s hard to believe that we dark, black, beautiful people were the first humans on earth. It’s hard to believe that we were born of kings and queens from the most ancient civilization. And still we are the most self-loathing people  on the planet.

I applaud Myself and any other black woman who are not afraid or ashamed to embrace her OWN hair. Her OWN texture.

When will we stop being ashamed of who we really are. And for those of you who will say that I am some type of black power fanatic. Call it what you want.I am far from that . Have you seen my family. I say it’s about black knowledge of self. If knowledge is power then, I guess it is black power. Maybe if black people had the right knowledge about ourselves and where we come from, we would have power over our own lives. No one would be able to tell us that you need to “look like them” to be accepted.

When I was a little child, I would put on hoods and scarves and hold them tight making myself look bald. I always thought “too bad girls are supposed to have hair, because I actually look better without it.”

Then at age 24, I went overseas where most school-aged girls were rocking short naturals. I realized then that only in America are girls “supposed” to have hair.

A few years ago the Africa Channel, ran a top model-like show, featuring women from throughout the continent of Africa. When quite a few of the women were “made over” the stylists removed their tattered weaves and gave them baldies instead. The women who received this cut were among the most stunning in the group. The sista who won the competition, was bald and beautiful.

The problem is, that we are so overwhelmed with a non real (wp) standard of beauty that we can’t see ourselves anymore. We don’t know when we look ridiculous in ratty-ass hair weaves or when we are stunning without hair or with natural . We, Black women  or for that just WOMEN need to reclaim ourselves on so many levels that its sad.

Funny thing is, in the past  I had a picture of myself wearing a wig, posted on FaceBook. I got really positive replies. One person even told me that I looked younger and more vibrant?! Imagine that. Luckily, I know the difference between a tacky-ass wig and vibrant. We have a looooong way to go when the length of a sister’s hair still elicits such a strong response, good or bad. I have always been natural for the most part . No perms and only using hemp dyes. I had dreadlocks from  1998- 2003. Then I shaved my head ... Had a very low cut that was a funky color. 2004-2009 I had dreads again. Love my natural hair. 2010- now have had braids and even a wig .. Go figure. 

It's 2011 going baldy scaldy!  This was just a decision that I made and decided to post it on facebook like others do . Didn't realize it would get so many replies. I have gotten phone calls and txts from people asking me if I am ok ? My question is are you ok? Umm since when is a haircut linked to a life crisis. 

Get it together. 

I want to say thank you to my friend Jamie D... She sent me the best txt ever. I just love that girl. Always know what to say and how to say it. Jamie Dunn you ROCK ! 

more power to me for daring to be free,

Peace out ,

Happy nappy Hippie 

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