Saturday, November 19, 2011


In almost all philosophies and religious views, sacrifice is mentioned. It is usually tethered to giving up something of importance to achieve a greater view of life. It’s an interesting concept because so much of what we engage in is driven by wants or needs. If we take a deeper look, we may find that we have lost the difference between the two.

I like to make a list once a day of my wants and needs, this helps me prioritize and also causes me to ask the question, “Where do these come from?” If there was a chain around your ankle, wouldn’t you want to know what the other end was attached to? I do not think that all desires are negative complexes, but I find more often than not, my wants delay the fulfillment of my needs. Ultimately, the road to achieving my purest intentions detours when I fulfill my desires more quickly than my needs.

An unjustifiable sacrifice is living life and not pursuing your dreams. Failure does not lie in the process but rather in never trying.

This day is your day…seize it.

I plan to teach this to the little souls I have be blessed to have in my life. It is a great way to live life.

Happy Hippie

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