Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Judge NOT !!

Like most people, often times I find myself judging people for who they are and wondering why they don’t think differently or more progressively about…well pretty much everything. But I try not to,I try to respect people for who they are and where they are, on their path. “If you find yourself judging someone for who they are... Remember you were not always who you are today. Embracing change starts with acceptance of others and their path.”

As with most things in life, the reason for judgment can be found in the basis of our own fears. We fear when others do not act like us, talk like us, dress like us and believe what we believe in, and it manifests itself as anger. This anger is pure poison to our minds and our collective well-being. Judging or labeling others plants a seed that has the worst effect on a culture, it drives us apart. Change happens when we feel as though we are a community, not when you view things as “us against them”. Trying to create change by judging is like trying to bang a nail with a hacksaw; it just won’t work and you’re probably going to hurt somebody.

All this being said, living a life without judgment is probably going to be the most difficult task you can imagine. There are so many opportunities to judge, but remember this, every time there is opportunity to judge there is also an opportunity to see commonality, and when you find that, you build a bridge and not a dam.

I have built many of bridges. I have also sat back and stacked logs for a huge dam. Sometimes it is easy to judge a person based on what you know of them. Things you know for a fact, but just because people do nasty things and handles there own lives in a not so healthy way.If they cheat on their husbands, lie, manipulate people and so on... Is it for us to judge? No, just distance yourself from the poison that this person or those people produce and still know you are no better. Just on a brighter and straighter path. With that being said, if I have judged you I am sorry.

As always Love Peace and Happiness,

Happy Hippie 

Joshua Scott Onysko He has such great views and writings ......

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