Wednesday, November 23, 2011


All humans want to be honest. All humans want peace. All humans want to do what is right. So, what causes the disconnect between our authentic desires and our reality? Fear.

Fear is an omnipresent fork in the road. You see it when you look back at your life and recognize when you went against your true nature and made a decision that you later regretted. We are not honest when we allow the fear of hurting ourselves or someone else binds our actions. We commonly choose conflict over peace for the fear of losing power; but power gained through competition will never sustainably serve us.

The default setting for all humans is honesty, peace, and truth. We know through experience that when we embrace these we find happiness. So how can we find honesty, truth, and peace in our daily practice? We don’t, for these qualities already lie within each and every moment, we simply have to peel away that which is obscuring genuine expression.

"In every block of marble I see a statue as plain as though it stood before me, shaped and perfect in attitude and action. I have only to hew away the rough walls that imprison the lovely apparition to reveal it to the other eyes as mine see it."—Michelangelo

Allow your truth to be your art.

I have come a long way. I feel as if I am finally where I am meant to be. When it comes to having soul consciousness. I know that I am a soul that brings peace, power, purity, love and bliss into action, not anger greed, ego, lust or attachment.
My relationships with others are purified and elevated. There is no sense of bondage, without soul consciousness relationships become bondage and causes sorrow rather than enjoyment.

My soul is able to harmonize with others with happiness and peace.  Without soul consciousness conflicts happen. There is negativity, sensitivity and disunity.

Let your soul live and see how truly free you can be..

Unconditional Love, Peace and Happiness...
Happy Hippie

Joshua Scott Onysko

Raja Meditation 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Judge NOT !!

Like most people, often times I find myself judging people for who they are and wondering why they don’t think differently or more progressively about…well pretty much everything. But I try not to,I try to respect people for who they are and where they are, on their path. “If you find yourself judging someone for who they are... Remember you were not always who you are today. Embracing change starts with acceptance of others and their path.”

As with most things in life, the reason for judgment can be found in the basis of our own fears. We fear when others do not act like us, talk like us, dress like us and believe what we believe in, and it manifests itself as anger. This anger is pure poison to our minds and our collective well-being. Judging or labeling others plants a seed that has the worst effect on a culture, it drives us apart. Change happens when we feel as though we are a community, not when you view things as “us against them”. Trying to create change by judging is like trying to bang a nail with a hacksaw; it just won’t work and you’re probably going to hurt somebody.

All this being said, living a life without judgment is probably going to be the most difficult task you can imagine. There are so many opportunities to judge, but remember this, every time there is opportunity to judge there is also an opportunity to see commonality, and when you find that, you build a bridge and not a dam.

I have built many of bridges. I have also sat back and stacked logs for a huge dam. Sometimes it is easy to judge a person based on what you know of them. Things you know for a fact, but just because people do nasty things and handles there own lives in a not so healthy way.If they cheat on their husbands, lie, manipulate people and so on... Is it for us to judge? No, just distance yourself from the poison that this person or those people produce and still know you are no better. Just on a brighter and straighter path. With that being said, if I have judged you I am sorry.

As always Love Peace and Happiness,

Happy Hippie 

Joshua Scott Onysko He has such great views and writings ......

Monday, November 21, 2011

What dreams may beCOME....

Many dreams are lost and/or forgotten because of one simple thing: fear. We live our lives with all of these “things” that we want to do or try and something inside of us keeps us from ever trying.

Well the truth is, there is nothing to fear, not even fear itself. When I was traveling around Israel  my friend Barak and I had this motto, “get busy living or get busy dying”. In that truth, we found ourselves having the experiences that we wished to have. When you allow yourself to truly live, you will find that the room that once had one door, now has no walls at all.

“Spending your life trying to live your dreams and never truly achieving them is the purest form of success, failure is wishing you had tried.”

If you are reading this letter, you should know that you still have time to live your truth. You are alive, and for the simple miracle of that alone, you owe yourself and the world to fulfill the dreams that move you.

Enjoy the process,

Happy Hippie 


Sunday, November 20, 2011

See you in the courtroom of life.

Voir dire (English pronunciation: vwɑr diər) that which is true. Voir dire is a phrase adopted by the United States legal system and refers to the process of jury member selection (or more appropriately rejection) based off of an individual’s background and potential biases. In origin, it refers to an oath to tell the truth (Latin verum dicere), i.e., to say what is true, what is objectively accurate or subjectively honest in content, or both.

Voir dire also pertains to our daily lives. We are constantly exercising our internal jury to sift through our thoughts, actions, and reactions. This would be fine if we learned how to hone our voir dire skills and to create a well-vetted internal jury. However, I find that in my own mind I am often too quick to judge myself or a situation I am in. For example, when particular circumstances arise in our lives, we react in a certain way, and we truly believe that our reaction is based on the fullness of our experience…then a few days pass, and we realize that we were actually reacting to a completely separate event and that the original experience was simply a trigger. Imagine if we could see that complete reality first, in every moment. An extreme evolution. It all comes down to the internal jury…seems to be something worth exploring.

I recently had to sit with a court reporter and two lawyers. Both petitioner and respondent sitting across from one other. I am just in the middle. Laughs and smirks on her face as if she thinks she on top. Anger in his eyes from all the lies and betrayal. She will never be on top if she doesn't know where our bottom is. And there is no need for people to lie on his behalf when the truth alone will ruin her.

How did I get so deep in this. Now the gloves are off and I am ready for a fight. Documented.

I’ll see you in court.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


In almost all philosophies and religious views, sacrifice is mentioned. It is usually tethered to giving up something of importance to achieve a greater view of life. It’s an interesting concept because so much of what we engage in is driven by wants or needs. If we take a deeper look, we may find that we have lost the difference between the two.

I like to make a list once a day of my wants and needs, this helps me prioritize and also causes me to ask the question, “Where do these come from?” If there was a chain around your ankle, wouldn’t you want to know what the other end was attached to? I do not think that all desires are negative complexes, but I find more often than not, my wants delay the fulfillment of my needs. Ultimately, the road to achieving my purest intentions detours when I fulfill my desires more quickly than my needs.

An unjustifiable sacrifice is living life and not pursuing your dreams. Failure does not lie in the process but rather in never trying.

This day is your day…seize it.

I plan to teach this to the little souls I have be blessed to have in my life. It is a great way to live life.

Happy Hippie

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Just chillaxin !!!

Yesterday My love and I took the little one to play tennis... 
of course Jonah didn't play he just sat and watched as daddy schooled mommy !

I love our nothing days... no stresses no worries just us ! I have to have a lot more of these days seeing that we have a whole crap load of stressful surgery days to come....

Later we read tons of books to Jasmine and Jonah. I rolled Jasmine in the kitchen and she helped me make a yummy Mexican Dinner !!!

Later Days,
Happy Hippie 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I am not Mountain-born


I did not love these mountains---not at first---
For I am prairie-born.  Like prison-walls
Set stone on stone, they barred the western sun
And brought chill shadows in mid-afternoon.
All my eager youth had claimed with joy
Was but a memory stretched taut across
The rusty plains to where the urbane sun
Sank graciously to rest in crimson fire ;
Where nights were hot and good for tasseling corn ;
Where sleepy rivers sucked incessantly
At grass-roots on low banks, and smug black bass
Nibbled fat earthworms to make the bobbing cork
Go under ;  where patchwork fields of yellow wheat
Were primly stitched to pasture lands and strips
Of poised clover, tied close with big red barns.

I am not mountain-born, I was not fed
On epic tales of wild empires ;  my forebears
Did not strike pay dirt in "Dead Man's Gulch"
Nor tap a silver vein on Fryer's Hill ;
Such deeds are not my rightful heritage.
The storied past is theirs who helped to make it,
On their legacy, perhaps, to sons and daughters---
Heroic themes, at secondhand, are musty
At the best and make but slender singing.
But, as the master-poet once observed :
"There's something strikes a balance, no doubt."
If I had been indigenous I might
Have written more, or less, perhaps . . .
Blinded by pride of gold and gay romance,
I might have taken tragedies of dust
For granted.  I saw with eyes unprejudiced
And sensed the agony of thirst-parched plains,
The heartsick longing for a tree, and rain ;
The madness of a fleeing tumbleweed.

To my foster-state I have surrendered utterly.
Like twisted tree at timberline I cling
To alien soil with fierce possessive passion.
Still, I do not sing of mountains very much ;
The shock of mountains to one prairie-born
Is far too violent for rhapsody---
Fit pa en of sublimity is silence.

At long last I shall sleep where white-coifed peaks,
Lie like a sculptured dream athwart the sky---
Ave, Colorado !
No native singer loves you more than I.

--Nellie Burget Miller

The Sun Drops Red
Collected Poems of Nellie Burget Miller
Poet Laureate of Colorado
Sage Books, Inc.
Denver, 1947



 Always there to catch me if I fall !

 He sweeps me off my feet .

Boys will be Boys and men Will do the same.
I love it when they get together !

 tasting spring water !

 Ry looks "not so sure " !
 Sweetie and my crew !
 Bebe, Jonah and the chickens ~
 "sweetie "
 Jonah and Brandy !

Part of my CREW !

 MY sexy sexy Best friend!

 One cool Pop !
 UMPH !!

 Lovin the sidewalk !!!

 Really, Ry... you just love the butt shots !

 SAY CHEESE... random !

Nothing like fat tire beer, great pizza, pool with the love of my life... in a true ghost town !!
 We played pool to our favorite songs, and he sang to me.

 I love this man, he always keeps a smile on my face. We really should fight more. In relationships aren't you suppose to fight ? lol and not about who love who more !

Daddy being his fantastic self !
 My AWESOME family.. I love Uncle Dennis and Aunt Debbie EVERYTHING about them is awesome. I love my Bebe AND Pop too.. :)

 Ryan keeping warm at the home he has in mind for us ! :)

My little Man