Thursday, April 19, 2012


Like a state Ryan and I have come up with a list of OUR favorites... Things that in some way define us ... its really silly but its something random that we have done and I think its pretty cool. 

Bird- Hummingbird

Animal- Panda Bear

Color- turquoise 

Smell- Hahah our armpits ..j/k Orange blossom 

Quote- Go confidentially in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you imagined. Thoreau

Songs- This By Darius Ruker, Stuck like glue By Sugarland

Date Est...  December 2009..... official April 20, 2010 

Movie- Couples Retreat / The Notebook

Food- Potatoes :)

Tree- Bamboo/ Aspen

Flower- Butterfly Orchid

Cake- Hummingbird w/ butter cream icing and a pecan on top !!!

We even have our own crest :) I love love love him sooo much. 

Happy Hippie 

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