Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Peace, love and family ....

Peace feels really good !!!

Once I unplugged myself from what was going on around me... The things that cause hurt and sorrow.. Is when I became detached from negative people and things, that has made all the difference.

Thoughts that get me through my days..
πŸ‘‰I am balanced
πŸ‘‰I am love
πŸ‘‰I am completely balanced and loved
πŸ‘‰I give myself courage..."I don't feel love right now but I am love" if ever I feel down and out. I say this to myself to lift me up again.COURAGE.
πŸ‘‰hast makes waste= I slow my thoughts down. Too many thoughts are no good. FOCUS!
πŸ‘‰I observe my thoughts. Each of my thoughts benefit everyone. Pure happy thoughts. OBSERVE.
πŸ‘‰I am content with everything in my life and centered. CONTENTMENT.
πŸ‘‰Every day I write 5 things that I am grateful for. GRATITUDE.
My final thought ... I am the creator of my thoughts, feelings and attitude. I am my master. I can change them. I am powerful. I am pure. I am love. In the shower or driving in my car I constantly tell myself these things.

Peace love and a cool spring breeze

Happy hippie

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