Friday, March 16, 2012

Bubble up baby...

We have started a new trend for ourselves. We go on walks to the lake every night before dinner. I love how the simple things really pull us together. I have had to come to the realization that things don't matter. I have always known this coming form very little.. But very happy ! Times may get hard but they will be hard for us together as a strong family unit. As long as we have our little bubble and our happy family.... Nothing else really matters. From the very start of our relationship there has been "stuff". People trying to turn our world upside down. Which in turn has only made what we have stronger. We developed a way of dealing with drama and other peoples' ignorance. We bubble up... We try and remain in our own little bubble and not let anything else corrupt what we have. I have fallen off track letting things upset me that are not in my control. We can only worry about what's in our control. Which isn't much but it's all that matters. I have been so upset and hurt by the fact that the boys (James & Jack) are not going to be at our wedding. Their mother has said no and that we should have planned it on our time. Ok whatever ... It is what it is and the show must go on...... Bubble up !!! It's out of my control. We have now made other plans which include a weekend trip the weekend we have them. So everyone wins!!!! We are excited and can't wait to get them back today...... Fun fun weekend ahead of us... Because we can only be in control of what we have. And that's all that will ever really matter. ;)

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