Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Peace, love and family ....

Peace feels really good !!!

Once I unplugged myself from what was going on around me... The things that cause hurt and sorrow.. Is when I became detached from negative people and things, that has made all the difference.

Thoughts that get me through my days..
👉I am balanced
👉I am love
👉I am completely balanced and loved
👉I give myself courage..."I don't feel love right now but I am love" if ever I feel down and out. I say this to myself to lift me up again.COURAGE.
👉hast makes waste= I slow my thoughts down. Too many thoughts are no good. FOCUS!
👉I observe my thoughts. Each of my thoughts benefit everyone. Pure happy thoughts. OBSERVE.
👉I am content with everything in my life and centered. CONTENTMENT.
👉Every day I write 5 things that I am grateful for. GRATITUDE.
My final thought ... I am the creator of my thoughts, feelings and attitude. I am my master. I can change them. I am powerful. I am pure. I am love. In the shower or driving in my car I constantly tell myself these things.

Peace love and a cool spring breeze

Happy hippie

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Our days are filled with love...

Our days are filled with love and not the regular kind... It's the unconditional kind. The kind that we learned about in Sunday school when we were very young. I never thought it would be possible for me to be loved the way RTB loves me... And I never knew my heart could be so big for someone other than my children.... Here are the lyrics to another one of our life songs !!!!!
Diana Ross
When We Grow Up

When we grow up, will I be pretty?
Will you be big and strong?
Will I wear dresses that show off my knees?
Will you wear trousers twice as long?
Well, I don't care if I'm pretty at all.
And I don't care if you never get tall.
I like what I look like, and you're nice small.
We don't have to change at all.

When we grow up, will I be a lady?
Will you be an engineer?
Will I have to wear things like perfume and gloves?
I can still pull the whistle while you steer.
Well, I don't care if I'm pretty at all.
And I don't care if you never get tall.
I like what I look like, and you're nice small.
We don't have to change at all.

When I grow up, I'm gonna be happy and do what I like to do,
Like making noise and making faces and making friends like you.
And when we grow up, do you think we'll see
That I'm still like you and you're still like me?
I might be pretty; you might grow tall.
But we don't have to change at all.

spoken: I don't want to change, see, 'cause I still want to be your friend, forever and ever and ever and ever and ever.

Here are some pictures of my little family... Our last few days !!!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Bubble up baby...

We have started a new trend for ourselves. We go on walks to the lake every night before dinner. I love how the simple things really pull us together. I have had to come to the realization that things don't matter. I have always known this coming form very little.. But very happy ! Times may get hard but they will be hard for us together as a strong family unit. As long as we have our little bubble and our happy family.... Nothing else really matters. From the very start of our relationship there has been "stuff". People trying to turn our world upside down. Which in turn has only made what we have stronger. We developed a way of dealing with drama and other peoples' ignorance. We bubble up... We try and remain in our own little bubble and not let anything else corrupt what we have. I have fallen off track letting things upset me that are not in my control. We can only worry about what's in our control. Which isn't much but it's all that matters. I have been so upset and hurt by the fact that the boys (James & Jack) are not going to be at our wedding. Their mother has said no and that we should have planned it on our time. Ok whatever ... It is what it is and the show must go on...... Bubble up !!! It's out of my control. We have now made other plans which include a weekend trip the weekend we have them. So everyone wins!!!! We are excited and can't wait to get them back today...... Fun fun weekend ahead of us... Because we can only be in control of what we have. And that's all that will ever really matter. ;)