Saturday, August 20, 2011

Our Passions !

If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins.
Benjamin Franklin

I have been working in my field again, doing a little interior design ! Ry has found something that he loves and is willing to wake up at 530 am to drive 50 mins to do it. I love seeing his eyes light up when he talks to me about the work he has done on this sailboat.  I see passion in his eyes and it is burning hot. We are on fire, in more ways than one. It all just keep getting better and better !

Ry's Passion!

"I want to work with my hands and change something that has been neglected into something beautiful.  I've always had an interest in this type of work, just never had anybody to teach me.  " -RTB

 My passion !!!

I have been laying low in the design field. When it comes to caring for Jasmine, it kind of put my hopes and dreams on the back burner. It is so good to have a person in my life who is 100% supportive. Thank you Ry. My dreams have all come true with you. Now I can put my $37,000 degree to use.

Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you. 

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