Monday, December 31, 2012

To a new year & a positive lifestyle !

I can not come up with a comprehensible (or comprehensive ) end of year post right now, but what's new?

Here are some random thoughts about things I would like to do in the new year. Some are specific, and some are very general. Some don't really make any sense at all . But as always I am keeping them positive and otherwise not to limit myself just to see what would come out.... A lot of them are things that I do daily anyways, but it makes it easy to stick to my Goals.....

So here it is in all it's messy glory-some thoughts on the road ahead.

Along with pictures of my December challenge yoga a day... I am not sure why the photos wont load in order.....

Sit. Reflect, don't wallow. Learn.Be.Live
Take long walks with Jade.
Create a warm home with Laughter and love.
Have some girls over for lunch and tea.
Cut and paste and shape and craft. ( eye pillows, meditation cushions, candles, dream catchers, paper mache, and jewelry.)
Continue towards a kinder diet. Cook more, if that is even possible. Create more dishes.
Sing and Laugh at myself....
Be impeccable with my word.
Do not take anything personally.
Don't make assumptions.
Always do my best.
Sleep well. Read before Bed !
Write Notes. WRITE.WRITE.WRITE....
Keep up with my Gratitude Journal.
no looking backward. Stay focused, I can not change my pass. I can only use it to create a better  Now.
Stay balanced..... 
Clean and Have a veggie garden.
Run 8 miles or more a week.
Stay positive and Spiritual.
Show people everyday how much they mean to me.
Let go.... and be free.....
Always be strong.
Practice Yoga. yoga. yoga...
Travel More..... 38 states down with Le Hubs ! Damn I love him.
Play the Guitar More !!!

Have a beautiful and Safe night,
Until Next Year

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