Friday, July 1, 2011

Onward and Upward !

Throughout our lives we create a story, the story who we think we are. In this story, is generally the good, the bad and the ugly. These stories are tethered to so many things. To understand your story, you would need to deconstruct every layer of your life, from birth to you reading this letter and then your story would change based on what you thought of and you would be rewriting an entire book…not so good.

These stories often stop us from being our authentic self. They undermine the very fabric of who we truly are. When we are children, people start telling us what we are and aren’t good at as soon as they get the chance. I remember the first report card I got, C for this, B for that…do we really want our children to grow up thinking that grades should be telling them what they are “good” at? I don’t, it just becomes the beginning of this “story” we tend to tether our expectations of ourselves to. I believe that we can rewrite our story…everyday. Why limit yourself, the possibilities that one has in his or her life are limitless…literally.

So today I invite you to burn your book…and chose your own adventure.

peace, love and crazy summer energy,

happy hippie

            Jonah Loves his music !! just like mommy and daddy , this boy has such a happy heart !
                      Ryan is my heart string , baby i love you more than i can promise...... UMPH
                                        ME , just being me always being me.... i love being ME !
                                                     His bottle says it all ! BORN FREE !
Flowers from my three heart chambers ! !!!! without Jasmine , Jonah and Ry my life would not be complete. I am so blessed to be loved so unconditionally. To beable to love unconditionally is even more AWESOME!!! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Have you heard of Montessori schools? I think their premise is one you would like. I am pretty sure they don't give report cards. Its more about progress and open learning and less structure... I think.. LOL!

    Love you!!!!
