Thursday, April 21, 2011

Let your love flow

SO.... today is the very first day in 2011 that I will began to share my life. My life is a wonderful life and each day I find new things in it, which give me hope for the next. To fill everyone in I am a mother of two wonderful little lives. Each one so very special in their very own way. My 8 year old has cerebral palsy. She has been my little heart string or happy pill for the past 7 years. Now I have a 14-day-old little guy. He is absolutely the best. I know at 14 days how can I know. Its funny but I do. He is a very special little guy. I can tell that he is full of peace and love.  I never thought after having Jasmine my first that I would ever have another child. I have always felt that she needs all of my love and attention. To my surprise I have lots to go around. And she just loves her baby brother.  :-) About two years ago, I had given up on the thought of being happy with a man. So I had planned to pack up jasmine’s things and mine and move to Canada. All my ducks were in a row I was just waiting on the summer of 2010. I had been planning this move for 2 years. In the summer of 2008. Little did I know my world was going to change just months before I was going to move? I was at work feeling free as a bird the only people who knew my plans were my mother, father, and Jasmine. No one else needed to know I was just going to be off. And sending postcards 3 months after the move. That is just I when I can’t figure things out I just go. I have been told I have a gypsy heart. is this a bad thing ? Anyways, i was at work and a new teacher had been working at the school. I never really noticed him or for that anyone else. i was always in my own little bubble.  once at  staff meeting he was drinking a cup of coffee and his mug had written on it. I HEART ME ! I SAID I HEART ME TOO. Days and months went by . he would walk by my classroom. with this big care free smile, on his face. On one particular morning there was something that kind of pulled me to talk to him. of course i was like no thanks seeing that i knew i would be  moving. i knew he had 2 kids and a wife who lived next door to him. i knew all of this from all the women who sat in the break room wanting him. it was funny to it and listen. Well, i gave him a note that said: 

I heart text messages
Before I could get back to my room he had text me saying thanks for the number I will be using it. And from that point on we have not spent very much time apart. I have found my soul mate and he has found his. It feels really good to love someone who loves you the same way back. We know have a love child lol Jonah .Our baby is full of love because he is so surrounded by IT.

1 comment:

  1. I was like, "this is soooo sweet..." Then, I read you giving your number to him and it quickly turned to "Koko is a PIMP!!!"
    I am glad that you have found your heart... we all know we can't live without our heart.
    Love you girl...
    Best wishes!!
    Ray Ray
