Tuesday, July 8, 2014



Thursday, April 3, 2014

My Peaceful hiker

Nomadic tribes traveling along forgotten
Mountain passes.
A village built upon wooden wagon wheels.
A homeless nation searching for a homeland
That no longer exists.
People cast asunder at the four winds mercy,
Without roots safety line.
Cultural diversity an unexceptionable social, 
Barrier to non-conform to the societies norm.
Outcasts gypsies living on freedoms well worn
Dreaming of liberty's liberation from being
Nothing more then dusts children, drifting
As castaways upon hidden highways lost 
By ways.
Beneath moonlights luminous glow, a canvas
City comes alive.
In abandonment’s empty fields a flickering firer 
Burns at twilight’s midnight hour
Beyond no man's lands a nomadic people celebrate
A moments peace.
From those whom would destroy their way of
Life and religious beliefs.
Striking rosin to bow, the fiddler plays an ancient
While voices sing of an easier time, a simpler 
Peaceful way once lived.
Mankind's kindred spirits wishing for a sanctuary,
Clinging to idealism, that one day they will find
A home at last.
Just a piece of earth all their own, to rest at peace,
Somewhere it does exist.
In such a world created by an everlasting being,
An Eden calls to them.
Until then the gypsy dance continues, and there
Voices shall be raised on high.
But at sunrise nothing is left but the cuts in the road,
From creaking wagon wheels.
And glitters dust left behind along with a lingering
The echoing songs from a nomadic people, who belong
No where but the open plains.
God's lost lambs searching ever seeking freedoms road.


Peace love and a chilly yet warm spring breeze !!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Here comes a little beard..

AT here comes the beard !!!! Nature take care of my man!!!! 

Peace love and a cool spring breeze !!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


You mean the streets and the trees.... The birds and the bees you mean the world to me...

The beard is getting ready to head out on his journey. I am so excited for him. I just can't believe that it is really happening. The support that this man has given me with all of my crazy shenanigans, now it's time for me to return the favor. I am a bit selfish when I say I don't want for him to go.  Great things will come of this. I see a book with his name on it in the very near future. He's changed so much and I am happy to say at 40 I believe that he has found himself. 

To the beard we will miss you. And we love you tremendously.

Of course we will spen lots of time meeting him on the trail. And writing letters which I am super excited about !!!! 

Peace love and a cool spring breeze,

You keep a smile on my face and an even  bigger one in my heart. I  Love you spoonkeeyloopiestopnot butt !!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Pond life....

In the entire world, there is not one human being who is free from pain. Even in favorable conditions, a person encounters struggle. The external form of struggle appears to be cruel. Some describe it as a horrible demon, but its nature is not malicious. Struggle keeps us from being sluggish. It keeps us aware and in the end bestows true knowledge. Struggle is actually an angel and the well-wisher of everyone.
It is proper to welcome struggle. Its arrival is always auspicious. Struggle changes a sub-human into an ideal person. It transforms an ordinary human into a spiritually awake person respected by the world. Struggle is a subtle sculptor who shapes the life of every great spiritual master into a unique and unparalleled work of art.

Difficulties are bound to come. Just sitting still, difficulties appear all around you. Difficulties get in the way when you act. If there were no difficulties, you would never realize your inner strength. Strength is always within us, but it only comes out when difficulty appears. When difficulties arise, do not stop. Instead, continue on your way by having faith in God.

Seekers who believe they must practice yoga only in the meditation room are under a great illusion. They must practice yoga in society as well. Practicing yoga in the meditation room is easy because there are no external disturbances. But one encounters many disturbances while practicing yoga in society, which makes it very difficult. The true yogi is one who can successfully protect his mental steadiness while in society.

Swami K.

The reason that this journey began for me. Jasmine...

Val the heart and soul of The Lotus Pond.

Mama goddess . The beautiful Michele.

My yoga sister KG .

Love their souls..


My beautiful friends... More like sisters.

My amazing teachers..... 
My family. 

Light and love...

Sunday, October 27, 2013


On my yoga journey I have been blessed to meet and be taught by a number of AMAZING people. Today I am going to take a little time to thank them.... My life has changed  in such a dramatic way from the waving of my flame by these people. I love you all so very much... 


Val spies... 
If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.

The owner of the lotus pond. Thank you for having such a magical place that opens many doors for many people. 

Chay Prieto
About 8 years ago jasmine was on life support and I needed an escape. I went to a yoga class at the lotus room and she was my teacher. My light at the end of the tunnel. Didn't know I could quiet my mind until that day. Now years later... I go to a Ytt and she's one of my teachers. 

Nancy M. Lead me to the path of children's yoga. After a talk with her I realized where I needed to be...

Alissa Futch Grzybowski !!! Alissa has such style and class with all that she does. I love her sweet humble spirit.

Erin wheeler umm speachless !! Lucky Cat Yoga

Erin wheeler, Eric wheeler and Roger MCKEever!!  Love this group sooo much

Nicole WHiting... My soul sista
Nicole and Jordan 
Karin Stephan www.yogamacro.com
I can not say enough about this 70+ powerhouse. She has worked along side B.K.S Iyengar !! My hour 1:1 with her was amazing.

Swami  Vidyananda

Haris Lender the creator of KAY. Peace begins with me. I love this woman. She makes me feel powerful for some strange magical reason. She is amazing. If you are looking to do a kids yoga training look no more. Even if you have no desire to be a kids yoga teacher, if you have kids or grand kids ... She has the tools to make it all better and all easier.

Stephen Jones umm not only is he an amazing yoga teacher, we both have track and field in our blood.

Preston and Christen Scott 

Denice McClure Florida power yoga !!

Mc Yogi !! Amazing DJ 

Tara R. Can't wait to get to the studio in Jacksonville.
Kaley Gay
This crazy crazy lady... Much love to her, she keeps me on my toes. She keeps my belly and cheeks hurting...:)

Of course my rock !!! My hubby. I finally got him to play with me .... 

My sweet princess jasmine.. None of this would have EVER happened without her little soul.

Larissa.... The woman who taught me to breath....
My little yogi Jonah !!!

Summer... Miss mat strap.. You rock !!

Shana my love..... 

The bois ..... They really keep me walking this line... Love them..

These people are all so amazing in everyway possible.... I love them .. I Appreciate them ....

Happy hippie